How to Choose the Right Size Above Ground Pool for Your Space

Last Updated on April 2, 2023 by

Are you planning to set up an above ground pool in your backyard and don’t know which size to choose?

With this complete guide, you will easily be able to find the perfect fit for your space! No more worrying about evaluations and calculations, we have got you covered.

When it comes to backyard fun, an above ground pool is an excellent choice for those who have limited space yet still want a place to cool off during the hot summer months. But, with so many options available on the market, it can be tricky to choose the right size and shape of your swimming pool. This guide aims to provide you with a step-by-step breakdown of how to select an above ground pool that is perfectly suited to your home and garden.

From picking out ideal pool dimensions, understanding suggested water levels, deciphering construction material choices and even determining installation methods, this article covers everything you need to know in order to make the most informed decision when choosing above ground pools. With this concise and detailed guide in hand, you’ll have no trouble selecting the perfect size for your individual style and space constraints.

Explanation of what an above ground pool is

An above ground pool is a pool, typically made of plastic and/or metal that can be installed in your backyard or another outdoor living space. Above ground pools come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and depths to suit the needs of any size yard or budget.

They are easy to install and maintain, making them a great option for those who want the convenience of in-ground pools but don’t have the means or space requirements to install one. Since they are installed above ground, they also require less construction work, which makes them a more cost effective choice.

Additionally, when you’re ready to close down your pool for the season, it is relatively simple to do so with an above ground appliance since it is not connected to any other structure.

Importance of choosing the right size for your space

When it comes to above ground pools, the size is an important factor to consider when making your purchase. It is essential to select a pool that is properly sized for your backyard and fits with your lifestyle. Pool sizes vary substantially and it is important to select one that fits comfortably in the available space while providing adequate room for swimming and entertaining. Choosing too large of a pool may cause unnecessary maintenance costs and take up too much of your yard space, while going with a smaller option may not provide enough room for guests or family members.

Before you select a model or design, measure out the area in which the pool will be installed. Then, compare that measurement with the size of the above ground pool you are considering purchasing. This allows you to determine how much room there will be in the yard around the pool and if there will be enough space for other outdoor activities such as grilling or playing games. Additionally, this helps prevent any unpleasant surprises should you discover after installation that your new pool takes up too much room in an already dwindling backyard space.

Above ground pools come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s important to make sure you get just what you need without sacrificing features or design preferences for size constraints. By learning about proper sizing prior to purchase, planning ahead of installation can insure years of pleasant memories and time spent splashing around without worry!

Purpose of the guide

This guide will assist you in finding the right size above ground pool for your backyard or patio. Before going forward with choosing a pool, it is important to first consider why you would like to have a pool in your space. Will it be used mainly for recreational purposes, such as swimming laps and leisurely playing games? Or do you intend to use the pool mainly for relaxation or exercise such as yoga or Pilates?

Knowing the purpose of having an above ground pool will help you determine the size that best suits your needs. Additionally, it is important to consider other factors, such as whether you are comfortable with the cost of installation, available space and desired maintenance schedule when selecting your pool size.

Choosing the Right Pool Size

Choosing the right size of above ground pool for your space is all about finding the balance between what fits and what you actually need. You should first define how much free space you have available, then factor in the size of the pool and what features you want. There are many different shapes and a variety of features to choose from when deciding on an appropriate pool size.

How to Choose an Above Ground Pool | Bonnie & Clyde's Pools and Spas

The two most common designs are rectangular pools, which are typically larger than circular or oval versions. Additionally, in-ground pools can be specially ordered in almost any custom shape, length, or width imaginable depending on your individual needs. When it comes to size, there is no one-size-fits-all solution — each space presents a unique set of challenges and limitations that must be taken into consideration. General measurements for above ground swimming pools range from 12 to 33 feet long by 12 to 18 feet wide when rectangular; for round or oval shaped pools it’s generally 10 to 30 feet across with varying depths from 3 to 5 feet deep.

When considering which pool is best for your individual needs age will also be a factor; those with large families could benefit from larger sizes that offer space for multiple people while younger users may require something much smaller. Additionally fenced-in areas can lead homeowners to buy bigger options since parents often prefer protected swimming environments when children are involved. No matter what style or design you choose having an experienced expert help you plan out your exact needs will result in a backyard oasis that surpasses all expectations!

Determining the maximum size your space can accommodate

When it comes to buying an above ground pool, many people forget to consider the size of the pool and how much space they have in their yard or garden to accommodate a larger size. It’s important to take into consideration the amount of space available and the size of the pool that you’d like in order to properly plan out your purchase.

The primary step when determining the maximum size your space can accommodate is measuring your yard or garden. Measuring your area will help ensure you purchase an adequately sized swimming pool that fits nicely into your desired location as well as provide enough room for recreational activities around it. When measuring, be sure to account for any existing structures that could affect how much room you actually have for a pool installation.

Additionally, consider factors such as local building codes which may limit how close a recreational structure is placed only property boundaries or structures such as decks, patios or walkways. Assessing all potential variables involved will help make sure that the correct amount of space is left available when selecting and installing a swimming pool in your outdoor living space. This will avoid requiring any costly modifications later on due to lack of planning beforehand.

Factors to consider when choosing the size (number of swimmers, intended use, budget)

When choosing the size of your above-ground pool, there are many factors to consider. Think about the number of swimmers you will accommodate, your intended use (swimming only or entertainment), and your budget. Additionally, the size of your space is important – make sure to measure carefully and leave plenty of room around the pool for safety considerations.

The number of swimmers that an above-ground pool can accommodate depends on the size of the pool: For example, a 24-foot round pool would be suitable for up to four adults and five children. If you’re planning to entertain regularly at your pool, be sure to purchase a larger model that can accommodate larger numbers without overcrowding.

You should also think carefully about how you want to use your swimming pool: do you plan to swim laps or just lounge in it? A start/stop station should be considered if you anticipate you and other family members using it for lap swimming. If lounging is more what you are envisioning for your backyard oasis, look for models that offer wide shallow steps along with interior seats.

Finally, be sure to consider a budget for purchasing an above ground swimming pool – this is an investment that requires consistent upkeep over time so create a long-term plan before taking the plunge! Look into any potential installation fees if applicable and remember to factor in purchasing additional items such as filter systems, ladders, heaters and covers in addition to the initial cost of the product itself.

Different shapes and sizes of above ground pools

When deciding on the right size above ground pool for your space, you should take into account the size of your yard, your budget and how much room you have for installation. Above ground pools come in a variety of different shapes and sizes to fit any size yard or budget. From round pools to oval-shaped ones, from small models that fit in a tiny corner to majestic models designed for swimming laps, there is an above ground pool perfect for any space.

The most common shape is the round one. Round pools are simple yet versatile, fitting perfectly in small or large yards. The cost may vary depending on the wall height and material used for construction, but overall it is one of the least expensive types of pool available.

Above Ground Pools: Sizes, Types, and Pros & Cons

Oval-shaped above ground that come in different sizes offer more rectangular area with a similar construction as round pools. Larger oval designs can include two ends with walls allowing children to swim laps while smaller ones provide enough space to enjoy splashing around with family and friends alike.

Rectangular or Roman-style above ground pools offer additional length compared to round or oval shapes, providing more room and greater straight line swimming capabilities while still taking advantage of the minimal space requirements associated with these styles of pool. However please note that larger Roman style pools tend to be significantly more expensive than other shapes due to their complex design elements such as extension kits required for installation purposes.

III. Installation and Maintenance

When it comes to installation and maintenance, the size of your above ground pool will play a major role. Smaller pools are typically much easier to install than larger pools. They can also be assembled and broken down relatively quickly if necessary. However, larger pools require much more work in terms of installation and maintenance. The walls may need additional support, the ground needs to be leveled properly and a wide variety of other considerations must be taken into account in order to ensure a safe and secure pool set-up.

Once your above ground pool is installed, there are specific maintenance tasks that must be performed on a regular basis in order to keep it functioning efficiently. When it comes to smaller pools, these tasks may include regular water checks for clarity and alkalinity levels as well as brushing any dirt or debris from the walls of the pool. Larger pools require more attention in terms of maintenance, including backwashing filters more often as well as paying close attention to chemical levels. Additionally, larger pools may also require additional cleaning accessories such as automatic vacuums that can help keep your pool looking its best all season long.

Importance of proper installation

Before you can effectively choose the right above ground pool for your space, it is essential to understand the importance of proper installation. Above ground pools are generally easier to install than in-ground pools, but it is still critical to ensure that the pool will be properly aligned and level. A properly installed above ground pool will provide more stability and extend its useful life. If the installation isn’t accomplished correctly, it could result in cracks, bulges or leaks. To avoid these problems, verify that your pool installer is qualified and follow their instructions carefully.

It is also important to determine if zoning or building codes limit or restrict any type of above ground pool installation. Be sure to check with local authorities before purchase or even ordering materials or equipment related to an above ground pool installation project.

Maintenance requirements for different pool sizes

Maintenance requirements for pools of different sizes can vary significantly. It is important to consider how the size of your above-ground pool will impact the amount of maintenance and upkeep needed to keep it clean and safe.

Smaller pools, such as those with a diameter of 12 feet or less, are usually easier to maintain because they require less water and chemicals than larger pools. However, these small pools are not able to sustain a high level of swimming activity, so they may need to be drained more often during peak swimming seasons. Additionally, because there is less room for debris and leaves to accumulate, regular cleaning may be necessary in order for the pool water to remain clear.

Larger above ground pools may require more maintenance due to their larger water volume and increased surface area. In addition, larger pools often have additional features such as slides or diving boards that can make them harder to clean. To ensure optimal health in these larger bodies of water, swimmers should stay alert while swimming and regularly scoop leaves or other debris out with a skimmer net. A pool vacuum may also be necessary in order to keep dirt or sand from building up on the floor or walls of the pool. Furthermore, shock treatments will usually need to be administered every few weeks in order for the chemical balance in these large bodies of water to remain stable.

Additional features and equipment that may be necessary for larger pools

Beyond determining the necessary size for your above-ground pool, there are several factors to keep in mind when selecting any type of pool. It is important to look into the additional features and equipment that may be necessary for larger pools. Some of these items are required in order to comply with local codes and regulations, while others serve as great additions to enhance your experience.

When selecting equipment and other add-ons, consider the following:

-Filter system: Above ground pools require more frequent cleaning than inground ones, so it’s important to have a filter system in place. Filters come in different sizes based on the size and shape of your pool. Ensure that you select one that is appropriate for your pool size and shape before purchasing or installing your filter system.

-Pool cover: Pool covers help maintain cleanliness by providing a barrier against debris, insects, animals, and evaporation when not in use. The type of cover you choose will depend on your needs and budget; for instance, high-end solar covers trap heat from the sun to make swimming comfortable during cooler days but can also be expensive when compared to basic winter covers intended primarily for protection from cold weather damage.

Above Ground Pools: Sizes, Types, and Pros & Cons

-Ladder: If you plan on spending a lot of time swimming in your pool then having an appropriate ladder will likely come in handy. It should be made from corrosion free material such as stainless steel or plastic designed specifically for pools and which meets safety standards set forth by local authorities or agencies such as UL listed ladders or steps conforming to ANSI standard A14A5F1294A. Additionally, if children will be using the ladder it should have anti-entrapment devices like ladder locks or removable ladders included with it so they won’t be tempted to put their head underwater near the ladder bottom steps when getting out of the water (this can cause serious injury if not prevented).

Lights: Underwater lighting is an excellent addition for night swimming activities creating unearthly experiences without disturbing any wildlife around you! Look into models that are exceptionally bright yet energy efficient (such as LEDs) optimized especially for outdoor use with waterproofing protection rated IPX8 – these lights typically come with manual or automatic switch settings allowing them easy on/off operation during either day/nighttime hours!


In conclusion, choosing the right above ground swimming pool for your space is an important decision. To make sure you get an appropriate sized pool, consider various factors that can impact the size and type of pool. These factors include available space, budget and types of activities you plan to use the pool for. Additionally, you need to take into consideration how much maintenance and cleaning will be necessary after installation.

With careful planning and consideration of your wants and needs in mind, you’ll be able to find the perfect above ground pool for your property.


How do you measure space for an above ground pool? 

To measure space for an above ground pool, you need to ensure that the location is level and flat. You can measure the space by using a measuring tape or a long rope to outline the area where you want to install the pool.

What is a good size above ground pool for a family of 6?

 A good size above ground pool for a family of 6 would be a pool with a diameter of at least 24 feet and a depth of 4-5 feet.

How do I know what size pool to get?

 The size of the pool you should get depends on your needs and the available space. Consider the number of people who will be using the pool, the intended use of the pool, and the space you have available for installation.

What size pool is best for a family of 5? 

A pool with a diameter of 18-20 feet and a depth of 4-5 feet is a good size for a family of 5.

What is a normal size above ground pool?

 A normal size above ground pool is usually between 15-30 feet in diameter and 4-5 feet in depth.

What is the average size of an above ground pool? 

The average size of an above ground pool is around 24 feet in diameter and 4-5 feet in depth.

What is the longest lasting above ground pool? 

The longest lasting above ground pool is typically made of steel, aluminum, or resin. Resin pools are known to be the most durable and can last up to 30 years.

How do you plan an above ground pool?

 Planning an above ground pool involves choosing the right location, measuring the space, selecting the pool size and type, preparing the ground, and installing the pool according to manufacturer instructions.

What is the best base for an above ground pool? 

The best base for an above ground pool is a level and compacted surface made of sand or a mixture of sand and gravel.

How deep should the base be for an above ground pool?

 The base for an above ground pool should be at least 2-3 inches deep and level to ensure the pool sits evenly on the surface.

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